Thursday, 7 September 2017

Sprains and Strains Treatment

Sprains and Strains Treatment

Sprains and Strains Treatment
Sprains and Strains Treatment
A sprain is caused by direct or indirect trauma (a fall, a blow to the body, etc.) that knocks a joint out of position, and overstretches, and, in severe cases, ruptures the supporting ligaments. Typically, this injury occurs when an individual lands on an outstretched arm; slides into a base; jumps up and lands on the side of the foot; or runs on an uneven surface.

Sprains and strains treatment consists of rest, ice, compression, and elevation which will usually help minimize the damage. It is important in all but mild cases for a Sports Chiropractor to evaluate the injury and establish a treatment and rehabilitation plan. A severe sprain or strain may require surgery or immobilization followed by months of therapy. Mild sprains and strains may require rehabilitation exercises and activity modification during recovery.

Learn more here: Sprains and Strains Treatment

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